Last year a friend on Facebook wrote a post on her birthday about how it's important to give to others. She gave a spot away for her yoga teacher training costing over $1000!! All in the name of her birthday!? I thought it was the most beautiful, heart exploding, thing and it totally inspired me to do the same. So on my 31st Birthday this year I decided to do 31 acts of kindness....
Debt is a heavy burden most of us will have to bear at some point in our lives. It leaves us feeling depleted, stressed and desperate. But what if we could change the way we looked at and felt about debt? What if, when we thought of debt, we felt immense gratitude and joy instead of anxiety and depression?
Here's how you do it!
Let me start off by saying how SORRY we are for all of the lies. You see, when you are planning a surprise wedding you have to lie all the time to everyone you know and love, even strangers! I would meet people and have to stay in character just in case they ran into me on the street later and asked in front of friends or family "How was your wedding?!" So we lied. ALOT.
We’re Moving to Calgary! (Insert Home Alone face emoji here.)
I can’t believe i’m leaving Vancouver, my home for the past 31 years. It’s actually crazy and i’m not going to lie…I'M SCARED SH*TLESS!
For those of you who have been living under a rock for the past 30+ years and have no idea what a Jedi is, there was a story created in 1977 by George Lucas called Star Wars. This story is set in a vast universe where war and greed are pursued by evil men who continually try to take control of everything. But in every story there’s a hero and in this case it is the JEDI. The Jedi cultivate this connection to “the FORCE” which can use for telepathy, telekinesis, agility, and sensing energies around them. But they’re not just born with these powers they have to train extensively to hone it’s power.
I can order food at the click of a button, shop for anything from the comforts of my home and if I don't know something, google to the rescue. We don't have time to waste, we need it now! What are we all so busy doing? We are plugged into social media, binging on Netflix, and work, work, work, work, work.